Biology Assignments
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
1. Cancel Do Now 2. Reviewed classroom expectations 3. Mendelian Genetics Notes 4. Bikini Bottom Genetics 1 Worksheet 5. HOMEWORK: NONE, unless you didn't finish the Bikini Bottom Genetics 1 Worksheet Friday, January 5, 2018
1. Complete Do Now 2. Take LDA 3. Go over answers to Bikini Bottom Genetics 1 WS 4. Complete Bikini Bottom Genetics 2 WS 5. Complete Exit Ticket over Bikini Bottom Genetics 2 WS 6. HOMEWORK: NONE |
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
1. Complete DO NOW
2. Complete dihybrid Punnett square notes
3. Practice dihybrid Punnett squares using Bikini Bottom Genetics 3 WS
4. HOMEWORK: Chapter 11 vocabulary . This assignment is due at the start of our next class.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
1. Cancel Do Now. We really need to work on dihybrid Punnett squares.
2. Dihybrid Punnett squares.
3. Vocabulary . . . should be done by the END of class.
1. Cancel Do Now. We really need to work on dihybrid Punnett squares.
2. Dihybrid Punnett squares.
3. Vocabulary . . . should be done by the END of class.
Friday, January 12; Tuesday, January 16; Wednesday, January 17; Thursday January 18; Friday, January 19
1. Snow Days
2. Moving the Mendelian Genetics test to Wednesday, January 24. On our next day of school, we will go over Independent Assortment and Laws of Segregation. I will give you a review guide after reviewing those two topics.
3. HOMEWORK: If you really are bored, you could work on the review guide. I'll see you Monday.
1. Snow Days
2. Moving the Mendelian Genetics test to Wednesday, January 24. On our next day of school, we will go over Independent Assortment and Laws of Segregation. I will give you a review guide after reviewing those two topics.
3. HOMEWORK: If you really are bored, you could work on the review guide. I'll see you Monday.
Monday, January 22, 2018
1. No DO NOW because I couldn't access my own website.
2. Postpone Mendelian genetics test to Wednesday, January 24
3. Finish Monster Genetics and turn in to me
4. Review Stations - work in teacher selected groups at various stations to review for Wednesday's test.
5. Hand back graded vocabulary
6. HOMEWORK: Review Guide. I had this review guide posted on Wednesday during our snow day break.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018 1. Complete DO NOW 2. Turn in review guide 3. Take out vocabulary 4. Take Mendelian Genetics test a. ItsLearning portion b. Paper/Pencil portion 5. CLASSWORK/HOMEWORK: After the test, you are going to work on the Unit 7.5 vocabulary. |
Friday, January 26, 2018
1. Complete DO NOW
2. Complete Non-Mendelian Notes
3. Finish Unit 7.5 vocabulary
1. Complete DO NOW
2. Complete Non-Mendelian Notes
3. Finish Unit 7.5 vocabulary
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
1. Complete Do Now
2. Review Non-Mendelian Punnett squares
3. Variations in Human Traits. You will need to use this site for your coins.
4. HOMEWORK: Unit 7.5 vocabulary is due on Thursday at the START of class.
5. HOMEWORK #2: Quizizz activity. The code you need is 557253. You MUST keep playing this game until you have at least a 70%. You must have it done by the start of NEXT class. I'm turning off the activity at 10:30 on Thursday!
Thursday, February 1, 2018. Text @ea6ckc to 81010 to join our biology classes' Remind account!
1. Cancel Do Now
2. Collect vocabulary
3. Collect Variations in Human Traits (Baby) activity
4. Worksheet over incomplete dominance or codominance
5. CFA: Incomplete Dominance or Codominance
6. Fingerprint Activity
7. HOMEWORK: Fingerprint activity due at the start of our next class.
Monday, February 5, 2018
1. Complete Do Now
2. Work on Multiple Alleles
a. Punnett square practice
b. Lab
3. Pedigrees (if time permits)
Wednesday, February 7 - Snow Day
Friday, February 9
1. Cancel Do Now
2. Pedigree Practice
a. Identify if a pedigree is dominant, recessive, or sex-linked.
b. Analyze pedigrees to track family inheritance patterns
3. Karyotypes (if time permits)
Friday, February 9
1. Cancel Do Now
2. Pedigree Practice
a. Identify if a pedigree is dominant, recessive, or sex-linked.
b. Analyze pedigrees to track family inheritance patterns
3. Karyotypes (if time permits)
Tuesday, February 13
1. Complete Do Now
2. Review Pedigrees
3. Learn about karyotype charts - notes and practice
4. HOMEWORK #1: Review guide for Thursday's test. Thursday's test will cover codominance, incomplete dominance, multiple alleles, pedigrees, and karyotypes. Remember, you can and SHOULD use your vocabulary on Thursday's test.
5. HOMEWORK #2: Virtual Day Lesson. I will give you the lesson today in class. It is due by Tuesday, February 20. I will gladly take this assignment early.
Thursday, February 15 1. Cancel Do Now so you will have enough time on the test. 2. Collect Review Guide at the START of class. Turning it in anytime after the start of class will be considered late. 3. Chapter 7.5 CSA: Non-Mendelian Genetics test a. Online portion b. Paper portion 4. Turn in paper portion of test 5. Pick up two papers -- Virtual Snow Day Assignment and Chapter 8 Vocabulary 6. HOMEWORK #1: Virtual Snow Day lesson is due the next Tuesday, February 20 at the START of class. If you get this completed by the end of today's class, turn it in to me. 7. HOMEWORK #2: Chapter 8 Vocabulary is due Monday, February 26 at the START of class. I will gladly collect these paper early. |
Tuesday, February 20. You have A LOT of work to do today. Stay focused and get it DONE! 1. Cancel Do Now 2. Get worksheet packet from my substitute. Yes, this worksheet is for points. I will be checking from my location to make sure you have completed this assignment -- ALL five parts. a. Complete Part 1 using the Google Slide Presentation to the right. b. Complete Part 2 using the websites provided. DNA Basics and DNA Model c. Complete Part 3. You will need colored pencils and this reading selection to complete the page. d. Complete Part 4: Quizizz activity using the packet. You need to play by your first and last name. The game code is 890962. You must score at least a 70% on this Quizizz assignment. You may retake this Quizizz as many times as you need it to score the 70% minimum. e. Turn in both COMPLETED worksheets to my substitute. Make sure your name is on it! 3. HOMEWORK: I will collect your Virtual Snow Day assignment and your vocabulary on THURSDAY! |
Thursday, February 22
1. Cancel Do Now so we can take our ISTEP Biology Practice Test
2. Return graded papers
3. Collect papers - Virtual Assignment, Unit 8 Vocabulary, Unit 8 Notes
4. Review DNA using Turn and Talk
5. DNA Paper Model
6. DNA Saliva Lab (if time permits)
7. HOMEWORK: None, unless you have not turned in all of your work.
Monday, February 26
1. Do Now is to get required DNA lab supplies
2. DNA Saliva Extraction
3. Turn and Talk - yet another review of DNA notes
4. DNA Replication
5. HOMEWORK: DNA Replication must be completed by the start of our next class.
Wednesday, February 28
1. Put your CELL PHONE away!
2. Complete Do Now
3. DNA Replication Review with partners
4. Notes over RNA
5. Dog Activity
6. Return graded papers
7. HOMEWORK: You will have a quiz on Tuesday over DNA replication and RNA.
Friday, March 2, 2018
1. Put your CELL PHONE away!
2. Take out your charged ThinkPad
3. Complete Do Now
4. Talk about my gradebook and the two new columns I added. I cannot forget to talk about earbuds, too!
5. Finish and turn in dog activity
6. Quizizz Game - Partners
7. Transcription and Translation class activity
8. Snork Activity
9. HOMEWORK: You will have a CFA the next time we have class. It will cover DNA replication, transcription, and translation only. You will NOT be permitted to use your vocabulary or your notes since it is just a quiz.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
1. Complete Do Now
2.Talk about Biology Istep test
3. Snork Activity - We will ONLY get a start on this activity. You will have to finish this activity on YOUR OWN TIME!
4. CFA over DNA Replication, Transcription, and Translation
5. ISTEP Review. You will get a worksheet from me that MUST be completed before you leave class today.
Station 1: Article #1 Article #2 Article #3 Article #4 Article #5 Article #6
Station 2: Measurement. Go to this station in the room and follow posted directions. If you run out of time, please use this link to complete station 2.
Station 3: Reading Graphs. Go to this station in the room and follow posted directions. If you run out time, please use this link to complete station 3.
Station 4: Experimental Setup: Go to this station in the room and follow posted directions. If you runt out time, please use this link to complete station 4.
Station 5: Return to your seat and complete section 5 of the worksheet.
6. HOMEWORK #1: NONE, unless your snork activity is NOT complete. You must turn in your snork activity at the START of our next class. I will not be able to give you more time to work on it in class. You WILL have to work on this assignment outside of class time.
7. HOMEWORK #2: Istep Review Worksheet
Thursday, March 8, 2018
1. ISTEP day
Monday, March 12, 2018 - Snow Day
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
1. Cancel Do Now due to snow day on Monday.
2. Collect Istep Review Worksheet from last week
3. Activity: DNA Alias - Your Unique Print
4. Notes: Mutations. We must finish notes today
5. Practice worksheet on mutations
Friday, March 16, 2018 . . . Put your cell phone AWAY!
1. Complete Do Now
2. Sentence writing using codons
3. Mutation Maker Simulation
4. Work on Review Guide
5. HOMEWORK: Your CSA: Unit 8 test is next Wednesday. Remember, next week's schedule is different. See below for days.
Monday, March 19: Gray Day
Tuesday, March 20: Blue Day
Wednesday, March 21: Blue Day
Thursday, March 22: Gray Day
Friday, March 23: Blue Day
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
1. Complete Do Now
2. Finish partner assignment - Mutations
3. Practice Mutations one more time!
4. Work on Review Guide
5. HOMEWORK 1: Finish Review Guide! I'm collecting your review guide BEFORE you take your test tomorrow. You MUST turn in your review guide when I call for it to be turned in to receive full credit. If you choose to turn it in after I call for the review guide, it will be half off!
6. HOMEWORK 2: UNIT 8 CSA Test is TOMORROW! Part of it will be online and the other part will be paper/pencil. The ONLY thing you may use on your test is your UNIT 8 vocabulary! I handed this vocabulary back to you roughly 10-days ago. Please make sure you find it!
1. Complete Do Now
2. Finish partner assignment - Mutations
3. Practice Mutations one more time!
4. Work on Review Guide
5. HOMEWORK 1: Finish Review Guide! I'm collecting your review guide BEFORE you take your test tomorrow. You MUST turn in your review guide when I call for it to be turned in to receive full credit. If you choose to turn it in after I call for the review guide, it will be half off!
6. HOMEWORK 2: UNIT 8 CSA Test is TOMORROW! Part of it will be online and the other part will be paper/pencil. The ONLY thing you may use on your test is your UNIT 8 vocabulary! I handed this vocabulary back to you roughly 10-days ago. Please make sure you find it!
Monday, April 2, 2018
1. Cancel Do Now
2. Put cell phones away
3. Return graded papers
4. Begin Evolution Unit with notes
5. HMS Beagle Expedition
6. 3D virtual tour of the Galapagos Islands
7. VR Gear. For those of you who have VR gear at home, try out this site and let me know what you think. If you do not have VR gear, then skip this assignment!