October 3, 2018
1. Cancel Do Now
2. Collect paper review guide
3. Take Rose-Prism test
4. After the test, pick up the TWO element trading card worksheets
a. Complete each elements trading card
b. Cut out each trading card.
c. Store the trading cards in your envelope in the back of your science journal.
1. Cancel Do Now
2. Collect paper review guide
3. Take Rose-Prism test
4. After the test, pick up the TWO element trading card worksheets
a. Complete each elements trading card
b. Cut out each trading card.
c. Store the trading cards in your envelope in the back of your science journal.
Wednesday, October 10
1. Cancel Do Now
2. Begin Unit 4
a. Unit 4 I Can Statements
b. Periodic Table of Ions
c. Periodic Table Basics using element trading cards
d. Notes over valence electrons, octet rule, duet rule
e. Review notes over cations and anions
f. Review notes over drawing Bohr Models (if time permits)
3. HOMEWORK: I will collect your science journal AND the Periodic Table Basics using element trading cards on Friday. Make sure it is done.
1. Cancel Do Now
2. Begin Unit 4
a. Unit 4 I Can Statements
b. Periodic Table of Ions
c. Periodic Table Basics using element trading cards
d. Notes over valence electrons, octet rule, duet rule
e. Review notes over cations and anions
f. Review notes over drawing Bohr Models (if time permits)
3. HOMEWORK: I will collect your science journal AND the Periodic Table Basics using element trading cards on Friday. Make sure it is done.
October 12
1. Complete Do Now
2. Seating chart time
3. Finish notes from yesterday
4. Practice three Bohr Models of neutral atoms
5. Evaluate science journal
6. Notes Bohr models of cations and anions
7. Practice Bohr models of cations and anions
8. HOMEWORK: Bohr models of neutral atoms and cations/anions. This is due at the START of next class. If you need assistance, you may email me or you may see me during enrichment tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 16
1. Complete Do Now - Canceled.
2. Last review of Bohr Models of neutral atoms and cations/anions.
3. Learn how to do Lewis Structures
4. Practice Lewis Structures
5. Begin work on forming Ionic bonds
a. Ionic bonds with fixed charges
b. Naming ionic bonds
6. HOMEWORK: Complete Ionic Bonds worksheet.
Thursday, October 18
1. Complete this Quizizz game - this will be the Do Now for today. The game code is 162994.
2.Continue our work on Ionic Bonds
a. Ionic bonds with fixed charges
b. Naming ionic bonds with fixed charges
c. Ionic bonds with variable charges
d. Naming ionic bonds with fixed charges
3. HOMEWORK: Finish fixed charges chart. It is due at the START of Monday's class.
Monday, October 22 . . . We meet today, Thursday, and Friday this week!
1. Cancel Do Now
2. Go over Thursday's homework assignment.
3. Notes over Type II Ionic Bonds - Metals with Variable Charges + Nonmetals
4. Practice with teacher over Type II ionic bonds
5. Self Practice. Completed in class and reviewed.
6. Notes over Type II Ionic Bonds - Polyatomic Ions (if time permits)
7. HOMEWORK: Type I and Type II Ionic Bonds. You may write your answers on a sheet of lined paper. This assignment is due at the START of Thursday's class.
Thursday, October 25
1. Collect homework in basic
2. Complete Do Now
3. Grade homework
4. Notes over polyatomic ions
5. Practice . . . Practice . . . Practice . . . polyatomic ions
6. HOMEWORK 1: You have homework this evening. It will be posted at 2:30 p.m. It is due at the start of next class which is tomorrow.
7. HOMEWORK 2: You will take TWO quizzes tomorrow.
Quiz 1: Polyatomic ion quiz. This quiz will be a paper and pencil quiz over the 12 polyatomic ions you were told to memorize on Monday. Yes, spelling counts.
Quiz 2: Type 1 and Type 2 Compounds. This quiz will be on Rose-Prism. You will take a second quiz over Type 1 and Type 2 compounds. Here is a review game to help you prepare for this quiz. The game code is 611621.
1. Collect homework in basic
2. Complete Do Now
3. Grade homework
4. Notes over polyatomic ions
5. Practice . . . Practice . . . Practice . . . polyatomic ions
6. HOMEWORK 1: You have homework this evening. It will be posted at 2:30 p.m. It is due at the start of next class which is tomorrow.
7. HOMEWORK 2: You will take TWO quizzes tomorrow.
Quiz 1: Polyatomic ion quiz. This quiz will be a paper and pencil quiz over the 12 polyatomic ions you were told to memorize on Monday. Yes, spelling counts.
Quiz 2: Type 1 and Type 2 Compounds. This quiz will be on Rose-Prism. You will take a second quiz over Type 1 and Type 2 compounds. Here is a review game to help you prepare for this quiz. The game code is 611621.
Friday, October 26
1. Turn in last night's homework - basket on teacher's lab table!
2. Complete Do Now
3. Quiz #1: Polyatomic ions naming
4. WORK . . . WORK . . . WORK on ions . . . ions . . . ions!
5. Practice before the quiz!
6. Quiz #2: Type 1 and Type 2 compounds. There will be NO polyatomic compounds on this quiz.
7. Continue working on ions!
8. HOMEWORK: These redo assignments are due at the start of Tuesday's class.
Redo Assignment - Type I and Type II
Redo Assignment - Polyatomic
October 30, 2018
1. Cancel Do Now
2. Turn in any and all REDO assignments
3. PRACTICE . . . oh my! We MUST get this!
4. Covalent Bonds (Type III) - notes and practice (move to Thursday)
5. HOMEWORK #1: Complete the polyatomic worksheet given in class. You taped it on page 58.
6. HOMEWORK: #2: You may retake the polyatomic ion paper/pencil quiz at the start of Thursday's class. All students may retake it for a higher score.
November 1, 2018
1. Complete Do Now -- located on Rose-Prism. You need to complete Skills Practice - Type 1. You MUST get at least a 75% or higher in order to do lab.
2. Retake Polyatomic Quiz
3. We must take a break from naming bonds; therefore, you are going to do a lab today!
4. HOMEWORK #1: Finish the ENTIRE lab -- analysis/conclusion section BEFORE the start of next class.
4. HOMEWORK #2: Before NEXT class, YOU must complete the Skills Practice - Type 2 on Rose-Prism. It will NOT be available until 2:30 p.m. today!
November 5, 2018
1. Do Now - Turn in last week's lab . . . even if you are not done!
2. Covalent Bond Notes
3. Covalent Bond Naming
4. Covalent Bond Drawings - Lewis Structures
5. HOMEWORK: NONE, unless you did not complete Skills Practice 2.
November 7, 2018
1. Complete Do Now - Go to Rose-Prism.org and complete the Skills Practice: Polyatomic. You need to score a MINIMUM of 7/10 before you can stop.
2. Finish notes and practice on covalent bonds
3. Summary chart over the three types of bonds we have studied. The notes are below. Make sure you copy it on your paper!
4. HOMEWORK: You have a TEST on Friday. At 2:30 p.m. today, you will see a REQUIRED review guide posted on Rose-Prism. You will need to complete this review guide as I'm taking a grade on it! You may complete this review guide up to 5 times. I will take your highest grade!
OTHER: I'm planning on adding one more review guide and one more skills practice to Rose-Prism. I would suggest you complete these two items. I'm not going to assign the second review guide or the skills practice over type 3 bonds but it is HIGHLY suggested you complete these two items. I'll post these two items tomorrow BEFORE homeroom/enrichment.
Tuesday, November 27
1. Do Now: Combustion Reactions
2. Organize notebook
3. Finish Day 2 of Lab
4. HOMEWORK: Practice problems over balancing equations
5. TEST RE-TAKERS: You may retake the Unit 4 Bonds test TODAY (11/27) or Thursday (11/29) or Monday (12/2) after school. In order to retake the test you will need to complete Review Guide 1 and Review Guide 2 and score at least a 70% on BOTH of the reviews.
Thursday, November 29
1. Complete Do Now. Rose Prism: Skills Practice - Balancing Equations
2. Solubility Rules
3. Double-Displacement Reaction Lab. We should finish collecting data for this lab today but will FINISH this lab on Monday!
4. CFA
5. HOMEWORK: YOU are having a test next WEDNESDAY over balancing equations. You need to start reviewing your notes!
Monday, December 3
1. Finish Thursday's Double-Displacement Reaction Lab
2. Notes over solubility
3. Practice solubility notes
4. Review Guide - Paper/Pencil. You MUST complete the review guide. Yes, it is worth points!
5. HOMEWORK: TEST. You have a test on Wednesday over this unit. Remember, there may be questions on this test from last unit!
Wednesday, December 5
1. CSA: Unit 5 Chemical Reactions Test
2. Mini-Unit: Quantities . . . I must teach you one step dimensional analysis. Actually, I would like to teach you two step dimensional analysis if we can get to it.
Friday, December 7: Period 4 Final = Monday, December 17 Period 6 Final: Wednesday, December 19
1. One step dimensional analysis
2. Activity: What Does a Mole Look Like
3. More practice on converting grams to moles and moles to grams
4. Activity: Using Moles
5. HOMEWORK: NONE. We are going to start prepping for our Semester I Chemistry Final next class!
Tuesday, December 11
1. Continue practicing converting grams to moles and moles to grams.
2. Semester I Finals review guideline sheet
3. HOMEWORK: Complete each review guide practice test AT LEAST ONCE on Rose-Prism.org. You may take each practice test up to 10-times. Remember, each time you take the test, new questions will randomly generate.
Thursday, December 13
1. Do Now: Rose-Prism. Semester 1 Review Guide D
2. Go over questions on Review Guide D
3. Review Guide: Santa Is No Chemist. This is a paper/pencil review guide for you to complete. It is due at the START of next class. Yes, this review guide is being taken for a grade. It is NOT optional. Repeat . . . it is NOT optional!
4. Homework 1: Complete the Santa Is No Chemist Review Guide. Yes, you must color it!
5. Homework 2: Complete all Semester I Review Guides on Rose-Prism.
Monday, December 17
1. Period 4 - Turn in Santa Review Guide, get a calculator, pick up the Periodic Table, get a piece of scrap paper. Take your FINAL. It is on Rose-Prism.
2. Period 6 - Review for final on Wednesday.
3. HOMEWORK: All chemistry classes - Continue studying for your finals. Finals are worth 20% of your overall semester grade.
Wednesday, December 19
1. Period 4: Product test a new online game called Quiznetic
2. Period 6: Turn in your Santa review guide, pick up a calculator and Periodic Table, and get yourself a piece of scrap paper. Take your FINAL. It is on Rose-Prism.
1. Period 4: Product test a new online game called Quiznetic
2. Period 6: Turn in your Santa review guide, pick up a calculator and Periodic Table, and get yourself a piece of scrap paper. Take your FINAL. It is on Rose-Prism.