Tuesday, December 22, 2015
1. Collect yesterday's assignment by 2:30 p.m. today.
2. You have FOUR options today.
Option 1: Online tangram games -- you MUST keep your mind active. This game will do just that!
Option 2: Online tangram game version 2. You must keep your mind active. This is another tangram game that will keep the neurons firing.
Option 3: Fling that ANT.
Option 4: Drive that TAXI.
3. HOMEWORK: Have a safe holiday break! Stay out of trouble.
Monday, December 21, 2015
1. Collect last Thursday's reading assignment
2. TBB Activity
3. Online Activity
4. HOMEWORK: Online activity is due tomorrow by 2:30 p.m.
Friday, December 18, 2015
1. Look at the clay activity one more time
2. Finish reading assignment
3. HOMEWORK: NONE, unless you did not finish the
reading assignment and turn it into me.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
1. Density Activity #2: Does the size of an object affect its density?
2. Density Reading Assignment. You only had time to START this reading assignment. I will give you time tomorrow to finish this assignment tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
1. Finish calculating density of the four objects
2. Identify objects based on density values.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
1. Go over answers to the TBB analysis/conclusion questions.
2. Finish making density data table.
3. Measure the mass of the four unknown objects and record
4. Find volume of these unknown objects using the displacement method.
5. HOMEWORK: NONE. You will finish this activity tomorrow in class.
Monday, December 14, 2015
1. Triple beam balance analysis/conclusion questions. You completed these questions in class. If you were absent, I have the questions posted to the right in the blue box.
2. Density activity. Glue/tape in background information. I will ask you questions about this background information and you will need to highlight your answer.
3. HOMEWORK: Make the data table posted below in your science journal. You will use this tomorrow to record data.
Friday, December 11. 2015
1. Finish Part 3
2. Run a calcium chloride + water mini activity
Thursday, December 10, 2015
1. Complete Part 1 and Part 2 of the TBB (triple-beam balance) activity.
2. Begin Part 3
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
1. Begin triple beam balance activity - set up journal and practice zeroing a balance.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
1. Finish graphs
2. Answer conclusion questions
3. HOMEWORK: This ENTIRE virtual with both graphs and conclusion questions is due at the start of class tomorrow. The conclusion questions are listed below.
Part 8. Conclusion. (R.A.T. out!)
1.Regardless of season, why is energy usage different at different times of the day? Support your answer with evidence from the data table and graphs.
2.How does energy usage compare during different seasons of the year? Again, support your answer with evidence from the data table and graphs.
3.What other factors might affect energy usage? (Support answer using EVIDENCE!)
4.What conclusions can you draw from EACH graph? (HINT: Look at trends!)
* Last thing . . . make sure you have the following items on BOTH line graphs: Title, label for y-axis, label for x-axis, four lines, key, scale for y-axis, and scale for x-axis.
Monday, December 7, 2015
1. Email me your Excel graph that shows times vs. temperature.
2. Make another line graph that shows times vs. power output. You may either use Excel or you may go old school and make this graph on graph paper. Just remember, that this graph will end up having four lines on it.
3. HOMEWORK: You MUST have the second graph finished for the start of tomorrow's class. You will use the information on this graph and the first graph to answer conclusion questions tomorrow.
Friday, December 4, 2015
1. Activity: Measurement Graphing. You will use Excel to graph you data.
2. HOMEWORK: NONE. We will finish graphing on Monday and will complete the conclusion questions on Monday.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
1. Collect viruses conclusion questions
2. Activity: Measurement Graphing. You MUST have your data table done for the start of tomorrow's class.
3. HOMEWORK: Finish the data table by the START of tomorrow's class.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
1. Activity: How many viruses can fit on a head of a pin? You will use your measurements from last night and will calculate how many viruses can fit on one side of this object.
2. HOMEWORK: Finish the 10-conclusion questions from the virus activity on a sheet of lined paper. I will collect these 10-conclusion questions tomorrow at the start of class. YES, you must write in complete thorough sentences.
Download File
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
1. Activity: How many viruses can fit on a head of a pin? We will finish the analysis/conclusion questions tomorrow in class.
2. HOMEWORK: Bring in the measurements of ONE item in centimeters. You will calculate the number of viruses on this item TOMORROW in class.
Monday, November 30, 2015
1. Activity: How many viruses can fit on a head of a pin?
Tuesday, November 24, 2105
1. Finish Virus Mini-Research Project. Turn in your science journal by the end of today's class.
Monday, November 23, 215
1. Virus Mini-Research Project. I will give you today and tomorrow during class to work on this assignment. This assignment is due at the end of class tomorrow.
Download File
Friday, November 20, 2015
1. Go over answers to virus questions
2. Kahoot game on viruses
Thursday, November 19, 2015
1. Review notes
2. Complete worksheet
3. HOMEWORK: Review questions
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
* GoFormative: register for class
1. Finish outline style notes with teacher
2. HOMEWORK: Review questions
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
1. Pretest over viruses
2. Self grade pretest
3. Tape/glue pretest in science journal
4. Begin notes with teacher in science journal
Monday, November 16, 2015
1. Share asexual slide presentation
2. Peer edit slide presentation
3. Self edit slide presentation
Friday, November 13, 2015
1. Formative Assessment: I need to see what you currently know, so you are going to do a little activity for me.
2. Complete activity you started yesterday
3. Activity should be done by the START of Monday's class. I'll give you the weekend so you can work on the extra credit. The picture below is what I had on the Promethean Board.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
1. Complete activity you started with Mr. Scholz.
2. Activity should be done by the end of class
Wednesday, November 11, 2015: Veterans Day
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
1. Complete the asexual reproduction slide assignment.
2. HOMEWORK: None. I will give you time on Thursday to complete the slide assignment.
Download File
Monday, November 9, 2015
1. Kahoot game over asexual reproduction
2. BrainPop over asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction
Friday, November 6, 2015
1. Review six types of asexual reproduction
Thursday, November 5, 2015
1. Conclusion Question:
a. Explain how a yeast cell's nucleus splits.
b. Count the number of yeast cells at the beginning of the Budding and Shmooing Video. How many new cells do you have every 30-minutes?
Wednesday, November 4, 2015 (Three Different Lesson Today)
Lesson for Mitosis Test Taker.
1. Check your school email. I emailed you your mitosis test. I set up the test to autograde. So, once you submit your test, check you school email.
2. Finish yesterday's lesson on asexual reproduction.
a.) What is asexual reproduction?
b.) List the six common types of asexual reproduction, define each type, list three
organisms that use each type of asexual reproduction. NOTE: When you are
asked to list three organisms using asexual reproduction, you will need to use
additional website resources to complete this part.
c.) What are some advantages of asexual reproduction?
d.) What are some disadvantages of asexual reproduction?
3. Begin Examining Yeast Activity.
Lesson for students that took their mitosis retake test yesterday and still need to finish yesterday's work.
1. Finish yesterday's lesson on asexual reproduction.
a.) What is asexual reproduction?
b.) List the six common types of asexual reproduction, define each type, list three
organisms that use each type of asexual reproduction. NOTE: When you are
asked to list three organisms using asexual reproduction, you will need to use
additional website resources to complete this part.
c.) What are some advantages of asexual reproduction?
d.) What are some disadvantages of asexual reproduction?
2. Begin Examining Yeast Activity.
Lesson for students ready to do the Examining Yeast Activity.
1. Complete background research
2. Begin yeast activity
Tuesday, November 3, 2015 (Two Different Lessons Today)
Lesson for Mitosis Test Takers. You MUST have 1, 2a, and 2b done for the start of tomorrow's class. Ideally, you should have all of it done.
1. Take mitosis test
2. Begin Asexual Reproduction
a.) What is asexual reproduction?
b.) List the six common types of asexual reproduction, define each type, list three
organisms that use each type of asexual reproduction. NOTE: When you are
asked to list three organisms using asexual reproduction, you will need to use
additional website resources to complete this part.
c.) What are some advantages of asexual reproduction?
d.) What are some disadvantages of asexual reproduction?
Lesson for those who started researching Asexual Reproduction yesterday.
1. Define the six common types of asexual reproduction.
2. List at least three organisms that use each type of asexual reproduction. You will need to use additional website resources to complete this part.
3. What are some disadvantages of asexual reproduction?
Monday, November 2, 2015 (Two Different Lessons Today!)
Lesson 1: Students wanting to retake mitosis test
1. Review test with Ms. Young
2. Review notes with Ms. Young
3. Practice Quizzes
4. Practice Games
5. Homework: Study for Mitosis Test Version B
Lesson 2: Students wishing to start their studies of asexual reproduction.
1. Using the resources provided on this site, answer the questions/directives below.
a.) What is asexual reproduction?
b.) List the six common types of asexual reproduction.
c.) What are some advantages of asexual reproduction?
Friday, October 30, 2015
1. Mitosis Test
Thursday, October 29, 2015
1. Mitosis Practice Quiz
2. HOMEWORK: STUDY for tomorrow's quiz.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
1. Practice using mitosis flipbook
2. Day 2 of Cells Alive online activity
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
1. Grade Mitosis Flipbook - this is a completion grade. We will grade for notes accuracy soon, which means this THURSDAY!
2. More Mitosis Practice using http://www.cellsalive.com
3. HOMEWORK: Finish the first part of the mitosis internet lesson. This is due at the start of class tomorrow.
Monday, October 26, 2015
1. Mitosis Notes: Title each piece of the cell cycle. Write three highlights/notes about each part of the cell cycle.
2. Watch some mitosis videos using Mr. Scholz's website. Mr. Scholz has like 10 mitosis videos you could watch.
3. Self Practice: Use your notes and your current knowledge of mitosis and see how well you score on the practice quizzes.
Practice Quiz 1
Practice Quiz 2
Practice Quiz 3
Practice Quiz 4
Practice Quiz 5
4. HOMEWORK: Your mitosis flip book must be finished tomorrow by the START of class. I am going to take a grade on this assignment.
Friday, October 23, 2015
1. Kahoot
Thursday, October 22, 2015
1. Finish coloring Mitosis Flipbook. Tomorrow, you will begin taking notes over mitosis.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
1. Quiz on Mitosis Vocabulary
2. Begin working on Mitosis Flipbook
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
1. Share three more mitosis vocabulary words
2. Mitosis Notes - Continue taking outline style notes.
Monday, October 19, 2015
1. Share three more mitosis vocabulary words
2. Mitosis Notes - Outline Style
Friday, October 16, 2015
1. Reviewgamezone.com Game I.D. is 27030 .
1. Watch Amoeba Sisters: Mitosis
2. Mitosis Slide Share
Thursday, October 15, 2015
1. Share your mitosis vocabulary with me.
2. Finish the mitosis vocabulary. I am not going to start grading this assignment until tomorrow. You MUST have this assignment done by the start of school.
3. HOMEWORK: You only have homework if you do NOT have the vocabulary done.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
1. Continue working on vocabulary. Don't let the video clip portion upset you.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
1. Download Chapter 4.
2. Read pages 96-100
3. Vocabulary. Use this LINK to open the vocabulary. Make sure you make a copy BEFORE you begin.
4. HOMEWORK: NONE. You will finish your vocabulary tomorrow.
1. Collect yesterday's assignment by 2:30 p.m. today.
2. You have FOUR options today.
Option 1: Online tangram games -- you MUST keep your mind active. This game will do just that!
Option 2: Online tangram game version 2. You must keep your mind active. This is another tangram game that will keep the neurons firing.
Option 3: Fling that ANT.
Option 4: Drive that TAXI.
3. HOMEWORK: Have a safe holiday break! Stay out of trouble.
Monday, December 21, 2015
1. Collect last Thursday's reading assignment
2. TBB Activity
3. Online Activity
4. HOMEWORK: Online activity is due tomorrow by 2:30 p.m.
Friday, December 18, 2015
1. Look at the clay activity one more time
2. Finish reading assignment
3. HOMEWORK: NONE, unless you did not finish the
reading assignment and turn it into me.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
1. Density Activity #2: Does the size of an object affect its density?
2. Density Reading Assignment. You only had time to START this reading assignment. I will give you time tomorrow to finish this assignment tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
1. Finish calculating density of the four objects
2. Identify objects based on density values.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
1. Go over answers to the TBB analysis/conclusion questions.
2. Finish making density data table.
3. Measure the mass of the four unknown objects and record
4. Find volume of these unknown objects using the displacement method.
5. HOMEWORK: NONE. You will finish this activity tomorrow in class.
Monday, December 14, 2015
1. Triple beam balance analysis/conclusion questions. You completed these questions in class. If you were absent, I have the questions posted to the right in the blue box.
2. Density activity. Glue/tape in background information. I will ask you questions about this background information and you will need to highlight your answer.
3. HOMEWORK: Make the data table posted below in your science journal. You will use this tomorrow to record data.
Friday, December 11. 2015
1. Finish Part 3
2. Run a calcium chloride + water mini activity
Thursday, December 10, 2015
1. Complete Part 1 and Part 2 of the TBB (triple-beam balance) activity.
2. Begin Part 3
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
1. Begin triple beam balance activity - set up journal and practice zeroing a balance.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
1. Finish graphs
2. Answer conclusion questions
3. HOMEWORK: This ENTIRE virtual with both graphs and conclusion questions is due at the start of class tomorrow. The conclusion questions are listed below.
Part 8. Conclusion. (R.A.T. out!)
1.Regardless of season, why is energy usage different at different times of the day? Support your answer with evidence from the data table and graphs.
2.How does energy usage compare during different seasons of the year? Again, support your answer with evidence from the data table and graphs.
3.What other factors might affect energy usage? (Support answer using EVIDENCE!)
4.What conclusions can you draw from EACH graph? (HINT: Look at trends!)
* Last thing . . . make sure you have the following items on BOTH line graphs: Title, label for y-axis, label for x-axis, four lines, key, scale for y-axis, and scale for x-axis.
Monday, December 7, 2015
1. Email me your Excel graph that shows times vs. temperature.
2. Make another line graph that shows times vs. power output. You may either use Excel or you may go old school and make this graph on graph paper. Just remember, that this graph will end up having four lines on it.
3. HOMEWORK: You MUST have the second graph finished for the start of tomorrow's class. You will use the information on this graph and the first graph to answer conclusion questions tomorrow.
Friday, December 4, 2015
1. Activity: Measurement Graphing. You will use Excel to graph you data.
2. HOMEWORK: NONE. We will finish graphing on Monday and will complete the conclusion questions on Monday.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
1. Collect viruses conclusion questions
2. Activity: Measurement Graphing. You MUST have your data table done for the start of tomorrow's class.
3. HOMEWORK: Finish the data table by the START of tomorrow's class.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
1. Activity: How many viruses can fit on a head of a pin? You will use your measurements from last night and will calculate how many viruses can fit on one side of this object.
2. HOMEWORK: Finish the 10-conclusion questions from the virus activity on a sheet of lined paper. I will collect these 10-conclusion questions tomorrow at the start of class. YES, you must write in complete thorough sentences.
Download File
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
1. Activity: How many viruses can fit on a head of a pin? We will finish the analysis/conclusion questions tomorrow in class.
2. HOMEWORK: Bring in the measurements of ONE item in centimeters. You will calculate the number of viruses on this item TOMORROW in class.
Monday, November 30, 2015
1. Activity: How many viruses can fit on a head of a pin?
Tuesday, November 24, 2105
1. Finish Virus Mini-Research Project. Turn in your science journal by the end of today's class.
Monday, November 23, 215
1. Virus Mini-Research Project. I will give you today and tomorrow during class to work on this assignment. This assignment is due at the end of class tomorrow.
Download File
Friday, November 20, 2015
1. Go over answers to virus questions
2. Kahoot game on viruses
Thursday, November 19, 2015
1. Review notes
2. Complete worksheet
3. HOMEWORK: Review questions
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
* GoFormative: register for class
1. Finish outline style notes with teacher
2. HOMEWORK: Review questions
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
1. Pretest over viruses
2. Self grade pretest
3. Tape/glue pretest in science journal
4. Begin notes with teacher in science journal
Monday, November 16, 2015
1. Share asexual slide presentation
2. Peer edit slide presentation
3. Self edit slide presentation
Friday, November 13, 2015
1. Formative Assessment: I need to see what you currently know, so you are going to do a little activity for me.
2. Complete activity you started yesterday
3. Activity should be done by the START of Monday's class. I'll give you the weekend so you can work on the extra credit. The picture below is what I had on the Promethean Board.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
1. Complete activity you started with Mr. Scholz.
2. Activity should be done by the end of class
Wednesday, November 11, 2015: Veterans Day
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
1. Complete the asexual reproduction slide assignment.
2. HOMEWORK: None. I will give you time on Thursday to complete the slide assignment.
Download File
Monday, November 9, 2015
1. Kahoot game over asexual reproduction
2. BrainPop over asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction
Friday, November 6, 2015
1. Review six types of asexual reproduction
Thursday, November 5, 2015
1. Conclusion Question:
a. Explain how a yeast cell's nucleus splits.
b. Count the number of yeast cells at the beginning of the Budding and Shmooing Video. How many new cells do you have every 30-minutes?
Wednesday, November 4, 2015 (Three Different Lesson Today)
Lesson for Mitosis Test Taker.
1. Check your school email. I emailed you your mitosis test. I set up the test to autograde. So, once you submit your test, check you school email.
2. Finish yesterday's lesson on asexual reproduction.
a.) What is asexual reproduction?
b.) List the six common types of asexual reproduction, define each type, list three
organisms that use each type of asexual reproduction. NOTE: When you are
asked to list three organisms using asexual reproduction, you will need to use
additional website resources to complete this part.
c.) What are some advantages of asexual reproduction?
d.) What are some disadvantages of asexual reproduction?
3. Begin Examining Yeast Activity.
Lesson for students that took their mitosis retake test yesterday and still need to finish yesterday's work.
1. Finish yesterday's lesson on asexual reproduction.
a.) What is asexual reproduction?
b.) List the six common types of asexual reproduction, define each type, list three
organisms that use each type of asexual reproduction. NOTE: When you are
asked to list three organisms using asexual reproduction, you will need to use
additional website resources to complete this part.
c.) What are some advantages of asexual reproduction?
d.) What are some disadvantages of asexual reproduction?
2. Begin Examining Yeast Activity.
Lesson for students ready to do the Examining Yeast Activity.
1. Complete background research
2. Begin yeast activity
Tuesday, November 3, 2015 (Two Different Lessons Today)
Lesson for Mitosis Test Takers. You MUST have 1, 2a, and 2b done for the start of tomorrow's class. Ideally, you should have all of it done.
1. Take mitosis test
2. Begin Asexual Reproduction
a.) What is asexual reproduction?
b.) List the six common types of asexual reproduction, define each type, list three
organisms that use each type of asexual reproduction. NOTE: When you are
asked to list three organisms using asexual reproduction, you will need to use
additional website resources to complete this part.
c.) What are some advantages of asexual reproduction?
d.) What are some disadvantages of asexual reproduction?
Lesson for those who started researching Asexual Reproduction yesterday.
1. Define the six common types of asexual reproduction.
2. List at least three organisms that use each type of asexual reproduction. You will need to use additional website resources to complete this part.
3. What are some disadvantages of asexual reproduction?
Monday, November 2, 2015 (Two Different Lessons Today!)
Lesson 1: Students wanting to retake mitosis test
1. Review test with Ms. Young
2. Review notes with Ms. Young
3. Practice Quizzes
4. Practice Games
5. Homework: Study for Mitosis Test Version B
Lesson 2: Students wishing to start their studies of asexual reproduction.
1. Using the resources provided on this site, answer the questions/directives below.
a.) What is asexual reproduction?
b.) List the six common types of asexual reproduction.
c.) What are some advantages of asexual reproduction?
Friday, October 30, 2015
1. Mitosis Test
Thursday, October 29, 2015
1. Mitosis Practice Quiz
2. HOMEWORK: STUDY for tomorrow's quiz.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
1. Practice using mitosis flipbook
2. Day 2 of Cells Alive online activity
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
1. Grade Mitosis Flipbook - this is a completion grade. We will grade for notes accuracy soon, which means this THURSDAY!
2. More Mitosis Practice using http://www.cellsalive.com
3. HOMEWORK: Finish the first part of the mitosis internet lesson. This is due at the start of class tomorrow.
Monday, October 26, 2015
1. Mitosis Notes: Title each piece of the cell cycle. Write three highlights/notes about each part of the cell cycle.
2. Watch some mitosis videos using Mr. Scholz's website. Mr. Scholz has like 10 mitosis videos you could watch.
3. Self Practice: Use your notes and your current knowledge of mitosis and see how well you score on the practice quizzes.
Practice Quiz 1
Practice Quiz 2
Practice Quiz 3
Practice Quiz 4
Practice Quiz 5
4. HOMEWORK: Your mitosis flip book must be finished tomorrow by the START of class. I am going to take a grade on this assignment.
Friday, October 23, 2015
1. Kahoot
Thursday, October 22, 2015
1. Finish coloring Mitosis Flipbook. Tomorrow, you will begin taking notes over mitosis.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
1. Quiz on Mitosis Vocabulary
2. Begin working on Mitosis Flipbook
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
1. Share three more mitosis vocabulary words
2. Mitosis Notes - Continue taking outline style notes.
Monday, October 19, 2015
1. Share three more mitosis vocabulary words
2. Mitosis Notes - Outline Style
Friday, October 16, 2015
1. Reviewgamezone.com Game I.D. is 27030 .
1. Watch Amoeba Sisters: Mitosis
2. Mitosis Slide Share
Thursday, October 15, 2015
1. Share your mitosis vocabulary with me.
2. Finish the mitosis vocabulary. I am not going to start grading this assignment until tomorrow. You MUST have this assignment done by the start of school.
3. HOMEWORK: You only have homework if you do NOT have the vocabulary done.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
1. Continue working on vocabulary. Don't let the video clip portion upset you.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
1. Download Chapter 4.
2. Read pages 96-100
3. Vocabulary. Use this LINK to open the vocabulary. Make sure you make a copy BEFORE you begin.
4. HOMEWORK: NONE. You will finish your vocabulary tomorrow.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
1. Kahoot
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
1. Make an illustration of your cheek cells in your science journal.
2. Turn in your science journal.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
1. Finish Virtual Microscope Lab - Cheek Cells. You will turn in your science journal before leaving class today.
2. Learn how to make a stained wet-mount slide of your cheek cells.
Monday, October 5, 2015
1. Watch video on compound microscopes.
2. Virtual Microscope Lab - Cheek Cells. You MUST watch the video tutorial BEFORE doing this assignment.
3. HOMEWORK: NONE. I will give you time tomorrow to complete this assignment.
1. Kahoot
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
1. Make an illustration of your cheek cells in your science journal.
2. Turn in your science journal.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
1. Finish Virtual Microscope Lab - Cheek Cells. You will turn in your science journal before leaving class today.
2. Learn how to make a stained wet-mount slide of your cheek cells.
Monday, October 5, 2015
1. Watch video on compound microscopes.
2. Virtual Microscope Lab - Cheek Cells. You MUST watch the video tutorial BEFORE doing this assignment.
3. HOMEWORK: NONE. I will give you time tomorrow to complete this assignment.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
1. Makeup Organelle Quiz - click on link from yesterday.
2. Finish yesterday's homework assignment. You will need to leave your science journal with me at the end of class. I will grade whichever option you chose to complete for me.
3. HOMEWORK: NONE . . . actually, you could try out the following games and let me know what you think of them like how "fun", did you find it educational, would you recommend it, etc.
Microscope Game Microscope Game 2
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
1. Take Organelle Quiz.
2. HOMEWORK: Pick one of the options below to complete for homework. It is your choice! Have at LEAST half of the assignment done for tomorrow. I will give you time in class to finish the rest. There is extra credit on both options.
Monday, September 28, 2015
1. Go over answers to the Micro Slide Viewer Activity
2. Review for tomorrow's quiz.
Practice Site 1
Practice Site 2
Practice Site 3
3. HOMEWORK: Study for tomorrow's quiz. You will NOT be able to use your plant and animal cell manipulative. You will need to know the organelle functions from memory.
1. Go over answers to the Micro Slide Viewer Activity
2. Review for tomorrow's quiz.
Practice Site 1
Practice Site 2
Practice Site 3
3. HOMEWORK: Study for tomorrow's quiz. You will NOT be able to use your plant and animal cell manipulative. You will need to know the organelle functions from memory.
Friday, September 25, 2015
1. Finish Micro Slide Viewer Activity
2. Reminder: You will have a quiz over the plant and animal cell's organelles on Tuesday,
September 29.
Practice Site 1
Practice Site 2
Practice Site 3
3. HOMEWORK: Start reviewing for this coming Tuesday's quiz.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
1. Collect Adaptive Curriculum Assignment.
2. Take microscope quiz
3. Micro Slide Viewer Activity. You will start this today.
4. HOMEWORK: On Tuesday, September 29, you will take a quiz over the organelle functions of the plant and animal cells. You will need to know this information since you cannot use your science journal on this quiz.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
1. Your Adaptive Curriculum assignment is due tomorrow.
2. Make one last illustration of a prepared slide
3. HOMEWORK: You have a microscope quiz tomorrow. You need to label the parts of the microscope and spelling counts! :)
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
1. Finish making illustrations over prepared slides.
2. HOMEWORK: Study for microscope quiz. You will be required to label the microscope diagram. Yes, spelling counts.
Monday, September 21, 2015 -- From this day forward, I will no longer continue the bell ringer section.
1. Review 5 requirements for making an illustration
2. View 2 prepared slides and make an illustration on high power.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Bell Ringer: Identify if the picture is a plant cell or an animal cell?
1. Finish plant and animal cell diagram
2. Check microscope labels
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Bell Ringer: How many new words can you make from CELL MEMBRANE in 60-seconds?
1. Finish the plant and animal cell diagrams
2. Microscope diagram
3. 5-Requirements for making an illustration
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Bell Ringer: Make a list of 3 different types of cells you have in your body.
1. Begin the plant and animal cell diagrams
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Test Link: http://goo.gl/forms/78arQ73mcq
Bell Ringer: Get your ThinkPad out and log in
1. Take What is Life Test?
2. After the test, download Chapter 2 and SAVE it to your science file folder.
a. Hover over Grade 7
b. Select Grade 7 Science Reading Chapters
c. Open chapter_2_cells.pdf
d. Save this chapter to your science file folder.
3. HOMEWORK: Download Chapter 2 and read section 1, pages 38-45. The page numbers are printed on the pages. All you have to do is READ. Please do not answer any questions from the book.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Bell Ringer: 1. What does this graph show?
Do not just write the title.
2. What year was this data collected?
3. Where did this data come from?
1. Finish Micro Slide Viewer Activity
2. Reminder: You will have a quiz over the plant and animal cell's organelles on Tuesday,
September 29.
Practice Site 1
Practice Site 2
Practice Site 3
3. HOMEWORK: Start reviewing for this coming Tuesday's quiz.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
1. Collect Adaptive Curriculum Assignment.
2. Take microscope quiz
3. Micro Slide Viewer Activity. You will start this today.
4. HOMEWORK: On Tuesday, September 29, you will take a quiz over the organelle functions of the plant and animal cells. You will need to know this information since you cannot use your science journal on this quiz.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
1. Your Adaptive Curriculum assignment is due tomorrow.
2. Make one last illustration of a prepared slide
3. HOMEWORK: You have a microscope quiz tomorrow. You need to label the parts of the microscope and spelling counts! :)
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
1. Finish making illustrations over prepared slides.
2. HOMEWORK: Study for microscope quiz. You will be required to label the microscope diagram. Yes, spelling counts.
Monday, September 21, 2015 -- From this day forward, I will no longer continue the bell ringer section.
1. Review 5 requirements for making an illustration
2. View 2 prepared slides and make an illustration on high power.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Bell Ringer: Identify if the picture is a plant cell or an animal cell?
1. Finish plant and animal cell diagram
2. Check microscope labels
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Bell Ringer: How many new words can you make from CELL MEMBRANE in 60-seconds?
1. Finish the plant and animal cell diagrams
2. Microscope diagram
3. 5-Requirements for making an illustration
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Bell Ringer: Make a list of 3 different types of cells you have in your body.
1. Begin the plant and animal cell diagrams
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Test Link: http://goo.gl/forms/78arQ73mcq
Bell Ringer: Get your ThinkPad out and log in
1. Take What is Life Test?
2. After the test, download Chapter 2 and SAVE it to your science file folder.
a. Hover over Grade 7
b. Select Grade 7 Science Reading Chapters
c. Open chapter_2_cells.pdf
d. Save this chapter to your science file folder.
3. HOMEWORK: Download Chapter 2 and read section 1, pages 38-45. The page numbers are printed on the pages. All you have to do is READ. Please do not answer any questions from the book.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Bell Ringer: 1. What does this graph show?
Do not just write the title.
2. What year was this data collected?
3. Where did this data come from?
1. Take LDA (Locally Developed Assessment) in class using Acuity program.
2. Complete Review guide (See below)
3. STUDY for test.
Grade 7 Science Review Guide. You will take a test over the listed items.
1. Vocabulary. Re-study the definitions to these words: biogenesis, cell, homeostasis, organism, respiration, spontaneous generation, independent variable, dependent variable, hypothesis, problem, control, bias, qualitative data, quantitative data, and scientific method.
2. Mrs. Gren. You should be able to state what each letter of the acronym means and should be able to apply the information.
Examples: What allows an organism to change position?
What characteristic creates waste products?
When an organism reacts to its environment?
3. Reading comprehension. Online practice over the readings you did for homework and class. Sorry about the length of the addresses.
1. Take LDA (Locally Developed Assessment) in class using Acuity program.
2. Complete Review guide (See below)
3. STUDY for test.
Grade 7 Science Review Guide. You will take a test over the listed items.
1. Vocabulary. Re-study the definitions to these words: biogenesis, cell, homeostasis, organism, respiration, spontaneous generation, independent variable, dependent variable, hypothesis, problem, control, bias, qualitative data, quantitative data, and scientific method.
2. Mrs. Gren. You should be able to state what each letter of the acronym means and should be able to apply the information.
Examples: What allows an organism to change position?
What characteristic creates waste products?
When an organism reacts to its environment?
3. Reading comprehension. Online practice over the readings you did for homework and class. Sorry about the length of the addresses.
Friday, September 11, 2015
Bell Ringer: What does the "G" in Mrs. Gren mean?
1. Go over vocabulary
2. Challenge Mr. Scholz's class to a Kahoot game
Bell Ringer: What does the "G" in Mrs. Gren mean?
1. Go over vocabulary
2. Challenge Mr. Scholz's class to a Kahoot game
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Bell Ringer: Examine the graph below before answering the questions.
Bell Ringer: Examine the graph below before answering the questions.
1. Vocabulary using Frayer model
2. HOMEWORK: Finish vocabulary
Wednesdsay, September 9, 2015
Bell Ringer: Based on the reading passage handed out in class, what is scientific inquiry?
A. The process of finding answers to scientific questions.
B. The process of making an observation.
C. The process of finding a hypothesis.
1. Take quiz over yesterday's reading assignment and comprehension questions
2. Go over 10-question quiz
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Bell Ringer: Which statement is an example of scientific inquiry?
A. Eating a grilled cheese sandwich
B. Finding out why dead fish are floating in the Ohio River
C. Explaining how to wash a car.
1. Download Chapter 1 and save it to your science file folder. Hover over the Grade 7 tab. You should see a pop up menu. Select Grade 7 Science Reading Chapters. Once you open the tab, select Chapter 1, download it and save it to your science file folder.
2. Read Chapter 1: Sections 2 and 3
3. Answer 10 reading comprehension questions. You will have a quiz over this material tomorrow!
4. HOMEWORK: Finish reading and answering questions that you did NOT finish in class.
Monday, September 7, 2015: Labor Day
1. Vocabulary using Frayer model
2. HOMEWORK: Finish vocabulary
Wednesdsay, September 9, 2015
Bell Ringer: Based on the reading passage handed out in class, what is scientific inquiry?
A. The process of finding answers to scientific questions.
B. The process of making an observation.
C. The process of finding a hypothesis.
1. Take quiz over yesterday's reading assignment and comprehension questions
2. Go over 10-question quiz
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Bell Ringer: Which statement is an example of scientific inquiry?
A. Eating a grilled cheese sandwich
B. Finding out why dead fish are floating in the Ohio River
C. Explaining how to wash a car.
1. Download Chapter 1 and save it to your science file folder. Hover over the Grade 7 tab. You should see a pop up menu. Select Grade 7 Science Reading Chapters. Once you open the tab, select Chapter 1, download it and save it to your science file folder.
2. Read Chapter 1: Sections 2 and 3
3. Answer 10 reading comprehension questions. You will have a quiz over this material tomorrow!
4. HOMEWORK: Finish reading and answering questions that you did NOT finish in class.
Monday, September 7, 2015: Labor Day
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Resources for Today's class:
Part 1: Completing the flipbook
Part 2: Watching the video presentation
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Bell Ringer: List three things that all living organisms need in order to survive.
1. Go over yesterday's paper activity on living, nonliving, and unsure
2. Hula Hoop Activity
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Bell Ringer: Draw a Venn diagram that compares living things to nonliving things.
1. Paper Activity: Living, Nonliving, Unsure
Monday, August 31, 2015
Bell Ringer: Write a definition of the word LIFE.
1. What is Life?
Resources for Today's class:
Part 1: Completing the flipbook
Part 2: Watching the video presentation
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Bell Ringer: List three things that all living organisms need in order to survive.
1. Go over yesterday's paper activity on living, nonliving, and unsure
2. Hula Hoop Activity
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Bell Ringer: Draw a Venn diagram that compares living things to nonliving things.
1. Paper Activity: Living, Nonliving, Unsure
Monday, August 31, 2015
Bell Ringer: Write a definition of the word LIFE.
1. What is Life?
Friday, August 28, 2015
Bell Ringer: Identify if the statement below is an observation or inference.
Ms. Young is wearing a blue polo.
1. Finish making graph
2. Conclusion questions
3. Turn in science journal
4. Kahoot! game on independent and dependent variables
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Bell Ringer: None
1. Collect cold water and hot water data
2. Begin working on graph
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Bell Ringer: Get a pair of safety glasses
1. Run the control for the Alka-Seltzer Lab
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Bell Ringer:
1. What is the variable that YOU the experimenter can adjust and change called?
2. What do you call the measurements of the results from what you adjusted?
1. Complete the backside of the independent and dependent variables worksheet.
2. Prepare for the Alka-Seltzer Lab.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Bell Ringer: Generally speaking, in any given model or equation, there are two types of variables: Independendent variable - The "input" values that you can change in an experiment; dependent variables - the outcome values that result from the indenpendent variables.
Doctors want to know if a new medicine can cure AIDS?
These are the controls:
1. Use the same amount of medicine on everyone
2. Test only some specific people
3. Test only using the same kind of medicine on everyone.
What is the independent variable?
What is the dependent variable?
1. Go over Frog Conclusion questions
2. Worksheet on Independent and Dependent Variables
3. HOMEWORK: Just finish # 6 - 9 on the worksheet. These answers are due at the start of tomorrow's class.
Wednesday, August 18, 2015
Bell Ringer: Examine the data table. How many people like playing softball?
1. Complete bean activity. To complete this activity, you will need to answer two conclusion questions AND will make a bar graph.
2. HOMEWORK: By the START of class tomorrow, please have the following words defined: independent variable, dependent variable, hypothesis, problem, control, and bias. I will add a few more vocabulary words in tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Bell Ringer: Round the number 4.482 to the nearest whole number.
1. Bookmark classes' webpage.
2. Go over the mean for each bean.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Bell Ringer: What is the mean of this set of numbers? {3, 4, 4, 5}
1. Share data with class members.
2. Calculate the mean for each type of bean. Round numbers to the nearest whole number.
3. HOMEWORK: Please make sure you have the means calculated for tomorrow's class.
Friday, August 14, 2015
Bell Ringer: What is the first consequence on the Perry Heights Middle School disciplinary form?
1. 15-Bean Activity. Today you will complete the data section of the lab given to you.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Bell Ringer: Which day of the week is school spirit day? (Remember, in my science class you do NOT have to R.A.T. out your answers unless I tell you to R.A.T. out the answer.)
1. Self evaluated and peer evaluated Summer of Science writing assignment. I did not collect this writing assignment. It needs to remain in your science journal.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Bell Ringer: On what side of the hallway should you walk at Perry Heights Middle School?(Remember, in my science class you do NOT have to R.A.T. out your answers unless I tell you to R.A.T. out the answer.)
1. The class finished setting up the science journal.
2. Summer of Science Writing. You were given time to brainstorm a list of 5 scientific things that happened to you this summer.
3. HOMEWORK: Follow the directions on the Summer of Science sheet to finish your writing assignment this evening. It is due tomorrow at the start of class regardless if you are in my class or Mr. Scholz's class.
Bell Ringer: Identify if the statement below is an observation or inference.
Ms. Young is wearing a blue polo.
1. Finish making graph
2. Conclusion questions
3. Turn in science journal
4. Kahoot! game on independent and dependent variables
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Bell Ringer: None
1. Collect cold water and hot water data
2. Begin working on graph
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Bell Ringer: Get a pair of safety glasses
1. Run the control for the Alka-Seltzer Lab
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Bell Ringer:
1. What is the variable that YOU the experimenter can adjust and change called?
2. What do you call the measurements of the results from what you adjusted?
1. Complete the backside of the independent and dependent variables worksheet.
2. Prepare for the Alka-Seltzer Lab.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Bell Ringer: Generally speaking, in any given model or equation, there are two types of variables: Independendent variable - The "input" values that you can change in an experiment; dependent variables - the outcome values that result from the indenpendent variables.
Doctors want to know if a new medicine can cure AIDS?
These are the controls:
1. Use the same amount of medicine on everyone
2. Test only some specific people
3. Test only using the same kind of medicine on everyone.
What is the independent variable?
What is the dependent variable?
1. Go over Frog Conclusion questions
2. Worksheet on Independent and Dependent Variables
3. HOMEWORK: Just finish # 6 - 9 on the worksheet. These answers are due at the start of tomorrow's class.
Wednesday, August 18, 2015
Bell Ringer: Examine the data table. How many people like playing softball?
1. Complete bean activity. To complete this activity, you will need to answer two conclusion questions AND will make a bar graph.
2. HOMEWORK: By the START of class tomorrow, please have the following words defined: independent variable, dependent variable, hypothesis, problem, control, and bias. I will add a few more vocabulary words in tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Bell Ringer: Round the number 4.482 to the nearest whole number.
1. Bookmark classes' webpage.
2. Go over the mean for each bean.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Bell Ringer: What is the mean of this set of numbers? {3, 4, 4, 5}
1. Share data with class members.
2. Calculate the mean for each type of bean. Round numbers to the nearest whole number.
3. HOMEWORK: Please make sure you have the means calculated for tomorrow's class.
Friday, August 14, 2015
Bell Ringer: What is the first consequence on the Perry Heights Middle School disciplinary form?
1. 15-Bean Activity. Today you will complete the data section of the lab given to you.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Bell Ringer: Which day of the week is school spirit day? (Remember, in my science class you do NOT have to R.A.T. out your answers unless I tell you to R.A.T. out the answer.)
1. Self evaluated and peer evaluated Summer of Science writing assignment. I did not collect this writing assignment. It needs to remain in your science journal.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Bell Ringer: On what side of the hallway should you walk at Perry Heights Middle School?(Remember, in my science class you do NOT have to R.A.T. out your answers unless I tell you to R.A.T. out the answer.)
1. The class finished setting up the science journal.
2. Summer of Science Writing. You were given time to brainstorm a list of 5 scientific things that happened to you this summer.
3. HOMEWORK: Follow the directions on the Summer of Science sheet to finish your writing assignment this evening. It is due tomorrow at the start of class regardless if you are in my class or Mr. Scholz's class.

summer_science.pdf | |
File Size: | 159 kb |
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Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Bell Ringer: None. I need this time to set up your science journals.
1. Classroom expectations
2. Begin setting up science journal.
3. HOMEWORK: No science homework, but if you have not turned in your paperwork from homeroom, you need to get this done. You have several sheets to turn back in to your homeroom teacher.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Bell Ringer: None due to not meeting today
1. Class did not meet today due to morning assembly.
2. See you tomorrow.
Bell Ringer: None. I need this time to set up your science journals.
1. Classroom expectations
2. Begin setting up science journal.
3. HOMEWORK: No science homework, but if you have not turned in your paperwork from homeroom, you need to get this done. You have several sheets to turn back in to your homeroom teacher.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Bell Ringer: None due to not meeting today
1. Class did not meet today due to morning assembly.
2. See you tomorrow.