Monday, March 11, 2019
1. Review all gas laws.
2. Prepare for Wednesday's test over gas laws
3. HOMEWORK: Complete the review guide for Unit 8.
1. Review all gas laws.
2. Prepare for Wednesday's test over gas laws
3. HOMEWORK: Complete the review guide for Unit 8.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
1. CSA: Unit 8 Gas Laws
2. Complete Thermochemistry vocabulary and phase change diagram
3. HOMEWORK: Thermochemistry vocabulary and phase change diagram must be done for the start of Friday's class.
1. CSA: Unit 8 Gas Laws
2. Complete Thermochemistry vocabulary and phase change diagram
3. HOMEWORK: Thermochemistry vocabulary and phase change diagram must be done for the start of Friday's class.
Friday, March 15, 2019 1. Continue our mini-unit on thermochemistry by completing some notes and practice problems. Helpful Thermochemistry Sites: Site 1 2. Prepare for Tuesday's lab over exothermic and endothermic 3. HOMEWORK: NONE |
Tuesday, March 19
1. Exothermic v. Endothermic Lab
2. Difference between heating curves and phase diagrams
3. Specific heat and calorimetry
4. HOMEWORK: Finish specific heat and calorimetry worksheet. The only problem you do NOT have to complete is the "Real Life Example."
March 21, 2019 - We'll make ice cream when we return from spring break.
1. Rose-Prism skills practice
2. Thermochemistry Practice Problems
3. Rose-Prism quiz - don't panic. I've a plan!
1. Rose-Prism skills practice
2. Thermochemistry Practice Problems
3. Rose-Prism quiz - don't panic. I've a plan!
Monday, April 1
1. Ice Cream Lab
2. Ice Cream Analysis questions on Rose-Prism
3. HOMEWORK: Open up Google Docs and answer these questions on it. You will share it with me next class.
a. Compare solute to solvent
b. Compare saturated to unsaturated to supersaturated
c. Compare miscible to immiscible
Wednesday, April 3
1. Share your Google Doc - [email protected]
2. Begin Unit 10 Chemistry
3. Homework: None, unless you do not finish my expectations for today. We will finish the lab conclusion questions on Friday!
Friday, April 5, 2019 -- 1. Do Now: Take out your lab from last class and complete the conclusion questions. Turn in your paper. 2. Begin our discussion of MOLARITY today! a. Notes on molarity b. Practice problem on molarity c. Lab on molarity 3. HOMEWORK: Yes! Yes, I know it is the weekend. Yes, I know you are busy. You need to finish questions 1, 4, 6, 7, and 10 molarity problems on a sheet of lined paper. You may print out this assignment if you wish or you may copy it on a sheet of lined paper. It is your choice. This homework assignment will be due at the START of Wednesday's class. |
Wednesdsay, April 10 1. Review Friday's homework assignment. 2. Complete Borax lab and turn in to me. 3. Work on dilutions 4. Practice dilutions 5. HOMEWORK: Review for TOMORROW'S quiz. I will post Rose-Prism practice review guides online for you to study. Yes, you are REQUIRED to complete the Rose-Prism practice questions. You must score at LEAST an 80% or higher before you can stop practicing. |
Thursday, April 11
1. Take Unit 10 Quiz -- Thank you to EVERYONE who complete the review guides as you were instructed on Wednesday!
2. Complete pHET on Molarity
3. Turn in pHET on Molarity
1. Take Unit 10 Quiz -- Thank you to EVERYONE who complete the review guides as you were instructed on Wednesday!
2. Complete pHET on Molarity
3. Turn in pHET on Molarity
Monday, April 15
1. Thank you for completing the Rose-Prisms practice questions.
2. Begin Unit 11: Acids and Bases
a. Set up notebook with unit expectations
b. Activity: Characteristics of Acids and Bases
c. Acid and Bases Properties
d. Acid and Bases Definitions
3. HOMEWORK: NONE, unless you want to retake your Unit 10 test.
Test Takers who have NEVER taken the test due to absence:
1. Complete all 3 review guides with a minimum score of 80%. You may complete these review guides as many times as you would like. I will record the highest score.
2. You will need to take your test during enrichment or after school.
Test REtakers who took the test the first time but NEVER even attempted the review guides or only completed one or two of them:
1. Complete all 3 review guides with a minimum score of 80%. You may complete the review guides as many times as you would like. I will record the highest score.
2. You will need to take your test during enrichment or after school. I will AVERAGE your test scores. I will record the average test score as your grade.
1. Thank you for completing the Rose-Prisms practice questions.
2. Begin Unit 11: Acids and Bases
a. Set up notebook with unit expectations
b. Activity: Characteristics of Acids and Bases
c. Acid and Bases Properties
d. Acid and Bases Definitions
3. HOMEWORK: NONE, unless you want to retake your Unit 10 test.
Test Takers who have NEVER taken the test due to absence:
1. Complete all 3 review guides with a minimum score of 80%. You may complete these review guides as many times as you would like. I will record the highest score.
2. You will need to take your test during enrichment or after school.
Test REtakers who took the test the first time but NEVER even attempted the review guides or only completed one or two of them:
1. Complete all 3 review guides with a minimum score of 80%. You may complete the review guides as many times as you would like. I will record the highest score.
2. You will need to take your test during enrichment or after school. I will AVERAGE your test scores. I will record the average test score as your grade.
Wednesday, April 17
1. Complete notes over the three types of acids and bases
2. pH Lab
3. Conclusion questions over pH lab
4. Learning check over pH.
5. Learn how to calculate pH using formula (if time permits)
6. HOMEWORK: None, unless you need to take or retake your Unit 10 test. ALL online review guides MUST be completed BEFORE you will be able to take or retake the Unit 10 test. The actual BEST time to take or retake the test is Tuesday, April 23 AFTER school from 2:40 - 3:30. All tests and test retakers MUST have the Unit 10 test completed by Tuesday, April 23 at 3:30 p.m.
Monday, April 22, 2019
1. Complete the analysis/conclusion questions on Rose-Prism. You may use the following two papers: Characteristics of Acids and Bases Lab and Activity: pH of Common Household Items.
2. Learn about pH and pOH. I'm not always going to give you pH paper. You MUST learn how to calculate both mathematically.
3. HOMEWORK: Unit 11: Skills Practice. PRACTICE calculating pH and pOH! This is due at the START of next class. No excuses.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
1. Review pH and pOH
2. Learn about titrations!
3. HOMEWORK: NONE, unless you do not finish the titrations worksheet. This worksheet is due at the START of next class.
Friday, April 26, 2019
1. Review titration problems
2. Titration lab
3. HOMEWORK: NONE. You will finish the titration lab on Tuesday.
Tuesday, April 30, 2019 - REVIEW GUIDE is being recorded as a test grade!
1. Finish Titration Lab - collect when finished.
2. Review Titration Graphs:
3. Review Titration Calculations:
4. HOMEWORK: Review Guide for Unit 11 Test: You have 5 trials. I will record your highest score in my gradebook as a TEST grade! Yes, I want this review guide DONE. Please note that the review guide disappears on Thursday, May 2 at 7:30 a.m. If you have not completed the review guide by then, I will not reset it. Do NOT wait!
Tuesday, April 30, 2019 - REVIEW GUIDE is being recorded as a test grade!
1. Finish Titration Lab - collect when finished.
2. Review Titration Graphs:
3. Review Titration Calculations:
4. HOMEWORK: Review Guide for Unit 11 Test: You have 5 trials. I will record your highest score in my gradebook as a TEST grade! Yes, I want this review guide DONE. Please note that the review guide disappears on Thursday, May 2 at 7:30 a.m. If you have not completed the review guide by then, I will not reset it. Do NOT wait!
Thursday, May 2, 2019 1. Thank you to EVERYONE who completed the review guide on time! It is much appreciated. 2. Unit 11 CSA: Acids and Bases Test. You will have 60-minutes to complete this test. You may use a Periodic Table, a calculator, and scrap paper. 3. Begin Nuclear Chemistry Unit a. Vocabulary - Define the following words: fission, nuclear radiation, radioactivity, fusion, critical mass,chain reaction, background radiation, radioisotope, half-life, alpha radiation, beta radiation, gamma radiation, moderator (as it relates to nuclear energy), heavy water, control rods, reactor core, and heat exchanger. 4. Watch the video posted to the right. 5. HOMEWORK: Make sure the vocabulary is done and the video is watched before the START of next class. You will use the vocabulary on a vocabulary quiz. The video will be used during a simulation game. |
Monday, May 6
1. Take vocabulary quiz.
2. Notes over nuclear chemistry
3. Homework: NONE
Wednesday, May 8
1. LDA - You will do absolutely fine on it! :)
2. Balancing nuclear equations
3. Half-life lab
4. HOMEWORK 1: Complete on a sheet of lined paper. Then staple it to your lab sheet. Turn it in!
a. The M&M's represent the ______________________.
b. The plain side of the M&M represents the _______________________ .
c. In the ideal world, how many radioactive elements will become stable in one half-life?
d. What is the half-life of the M&M's in your lab? (HINT: What number of shakes are necessary to reduce the radioactive members to one-half?)
e. In the ideal world, if you started with 10,000 M&M's, would the half-life change? Please explain.
f. Use your graph! How many millions of years have passed if you have 20 radioactive M&M’s. how many years had passed.
g. Use your graph! After 2,000 million years had passed, approximately how many radioactive M&M’s would be left? Number of decayed M & M’s?
h. Think about it! Try multiplying 1/2 X 1/2 over and over to determine if you ever get to zero. 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x etc. Will a small amount of the “parent” radioactive element always remain? Explain your answer.
5. HOMEWORK 2: Complete the nuclear chemistry practice half-life paper. You will want to refer to your notes! You will use this assignment at the start of NEXT class. Make sure it is DONE!
Friday, May 10
1. Review balancing nuclear equations
2. Nuclear Chemistry Research Activity. Complete ALL parts of this activity. Here are the links for each part. You will finish this assignment next class!
Part A Part B Part C Part D
Tuesday, May 14 -- Period 4 1. Nuclear chemistry video worksheet 2. Finish nuclear research assignment 3. Turn in both assignments. 4. HOMEWORK: NONE |
Tuesday, May 14 -- Period 6 1. Finish nuclear research assignment 2. Semester II Review Guide 3. HOMEWORK: Study for your final. It is a paper/pencil final. You will be able to use a calculator, a new Periodic Table that I will give you right before the final starts, scrap paper that I will give you right before the final starts, an equations reference sheet that I will give you right before the final starts. |